At SiD we are committed:

To share the enjoyment, power, creativity and connection that dance offers, with all those who participate in our workshops and audience.

To offer projects, workshops and regular classes to children, young people & adults where disabled and non-disabled participants can dance together.

To support people to develop a sense of belonging, connection and creativity in relation to their own bodies.

To reach out to the whole community, offering workshops where everyone feels included and empowered.

Through dance and movement, to support well-being and the shaping of a more inclusive and integrated society.

At SiD we believe:

We can improve the physical and emotional well-being of those that take part in our dance projects and workshops.

We can bring people together in a safe, supportive environment where individuality and artistry can be recognised and celebrated.

That human contact in a safe and supportive environment is vital to building a compassionate, cooperative and creative world.

At SiD we create:

 Classes and workshops in accessible spaces, for disabled and able-bodied people to enjoy moving together.

Inclusive dance performances that celebrate the physical and emotional power of the moving body.

Projects with a variety of groups, which through dance and movement connect, transform and celebrate.

Partnerships with like-minded organisations (schools, colleges, theatres, day care centres etc) supporting, encouraging, and providing inspiration, expertise and experience in inclusive dance practice.

Training opportunities for dance artists and other professionals (occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nursing staff, teachers) wishing to become more skilled in facilitating movement and dance within their own settings.